ADIS, American school, Curriculum, Sharjah school

Pastoral Care – Student

Total Well-being

Putting students first in order to remove barriers to learning is the key responsibility of all staff at ADIS.

Through our commitment to holistic pastoral care, ADIS ensures that every student: achieves aspirational goals; can make decisions which lead to a healthy lifestyle; and can make positive contributions through active involvement in their learning and in the school and wider community.

At ADIS, what do we mean by ‘pastoral care’?

  • It means promoting students’ personal and academic development in everything we do.

  • Quality pastoral care at ADIS focuses on the whole student (personal, social, and academic) and engages all members of our learning community as providers of pastoral care.

  • It is inextricably linked with teaching and learning and the structural organization of the school – promoting students’ personal and social development and fostering positive attitudes: through the quality of teaching and learning; through the nature of relationships amongst students, teachers and adults other than their class teachers; through arrangements for monitoring students’ overall progress (personal, social, and academic); and through extra-curricular activities and the school’s vision and core values.

  • It is policy and practices fully integrated throughout the learning community to effectively meet the developmental and social well-being and academic needs of students and staff, and to encourage student choice, voice and empowerment.

Inclusion and Gifted & Talented

Apart from students with special education needs, differentiated instruction strategies and activities are integrated throughout the curriculum to ensure that all students can develop and grow beyond their potential.

At ADIS, all of our students are valued and empowered based on their uniqueness as individuals. Our strength as a community is in our diversity.

Our outstanding Inclusion Department plans, implements, and monitors the provision of special education programs and related services to students with special needs and gifts and talents. This process is founded in the development and implementation of an Individual Education Program (IEP) or Advanced Learning Plan (ALP), based on strengths and needs to enhance their social competence and enable them to maximize their contributions to their communities. In addition, it is using multiple assessments tools to determine students’ level and needs.

Adaptations, accommodations, and modifications are done based upon the students’ needs, learning styles, and interests.

Parents are also involved in every step of the educational process starting from the assessment phase to developing an Individual Education Plan and monitoring the progress of the student.

ADIS, American school, Curriculum, Sharjah school

Extra-Curricula Activities

There are many opportunities at ADIS to pursue your passions, build your strengths or try something completely new in our Enrichment and Extra-Curricular Clubs programs.

There are a variety of extracurricular programmed activities for our students to explore their interests and passions outside of the classroom. They range from creative writing to sports, imagination plays, and academic enrichment trips, as follows:

  • Students council

  • Environmental club

  • Media Club

  • Art and Craft club

  • Cooking club

  • Qu’ran Club (Class)

  • Aerobics Club

  • Science Club

  • Chess Club

  • Storytelling Club

  • Robotics Club

  • Music Club

  • Fitness Club

  • Sports Club

  • Drama Club

  • Graduation Ceremonies

  • Safety Week

  • Health week

  • Sharakah Events

  • SOD Race

  • English Week

  • Art Fair

  • University Day

  • Arabic Language Day

  • Flag Day

  • National Day

  • Math Fun Day

  • Sports Days

  • Global Day

  • Business Day

  • Pi Day

  • ADIS Marathon


Parents’ Council

School, parents and community are the most effective elements in the educational process of our children. To reach the desired educational, emotional and social outcomes, the partners must work collaboratively with each other to develop strong relations. The school invites all parents to be part of the School Parent Council.

What is the School Parent Council?

The School Parent Council acts as an advocate for the parents and students, engages in meetings with the school administration and exchanges ideas with the Principal and the administration. The Parents Council can suggest extra-curricular activities and invite guest speakers to address the parents in issues of relevant interest.

ADIS, American school, Curriculum, Sharjah school

Goals and Objectives of the SPC Committee are to:

  • Ensure positive parent involvement and partnership between all stakeholders (school administration and staff, parents and students)

  • Involve parents in an organized and timely manner in school procedure

  • Help parents provide the best support to their kids’ education

  • Provide information to parents & consult with other parents to bring their concerns, questions & ideas to the attention of school staff.

  • Communicate with other parents and clarify school mission and vision

  • Build bridges between school administration and parents